
Welcome to the world of ChaseIt – an environment of positive psychology and mindful listening, where every step takes you closer to balance and self-development!

Have you ever felt that life is rushing by and you don’t have time to stop and really listen to yourself? ChaseIt is where you can find clarity, peace and inspiration using the powerful tools of mindful listening and positive psychology. My aim is to provide you with a safe and supportive space where you can freely express your thoughts and feelings, without judgement or interruption.

By entering the world of ChaseIt, you take a step towards a more self-aware, balanced and rewarding life. Start your journey today!

body of water during dawn

Start your journey today!

Life is full of challenges, unexpected events and difficult moments that can affect our mood and the way we feel. But at the same time, we have the power to choose how we respond to these situations and whether we can maintain our positivity throughout the day. A positive outlook on life is not about naivety or ignoring problems, but about being able to find the good in every situation and keep our mental wellbeing in balance.

Maintaining positivity is not something that happens by itself. It is a conscious choice we have to make every morning, every moment, every interaction and every challenge we face. It takes practice, but once it becomes a habit, life starts to feel much easier, happier and more rewarding.

Here you will find:

Active listening sessions

High angle crop professional female psychotherapist with pen and notepad listening attentively to client during psychotherapy session in light studio

Positive psychology training and workshops

A group of adults engaged in a collaborative office meeting, discussing ideas with notes, laptops, and refreshments.

Study materials and e-books

E-reader with text displayed next to a stack of physical books on a wooden table.

My unique value proposition

gray balance stone near the body of water


I will help you find clarity and balance

Mindful listening and positive psychology can help you understand your own thoughts, feelings and goals.


I will help you grow and develop

Inspiring lectures, materials and posts provide practical tools for self-development.

selective focus photo of green plant seedling on tree trunk
green tree


I will help you feel heard and accepted

We’ll create a safe and confidential space where you can share your thoughts freely without judgement.


I will help you take steps towards a better life

I will support you in creating self-confidence, inner peace and a happier life.

dock under cloudy sky in front of mountain

Positive thinking is not something that just happens – it’s a conscious choice and a habit you can practice every day. Small, consistent steps can help you keep calm, focus on the good, and create a lifestyle full of joy and balance.

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